Madeline Wiki

Hector is a supporting character from Madeline in Hollywood. He is an assistant to a movie director and acts as an agent to Madeline. Hector has curly orange hair and wears purple.

Hector and the director are first shown drinking coffee, and they don't seem to succeed in finding talent for the next Sugar Dimples movie when a waiter juggles rolls and vocalizes the cabaret tune. Later, Hector, being mistaken for a horse in one of Madeline's fantasies in acting out a previous role of Sugar Dimples' movies, gets jumped on. Fortunately, she apologizes, but the director decides she is just the talented one they are looking for.

When Madeline finds out about Sugar being mean, Hector tells her not to take it personally if Sugar treats everybody as rudely as she did Madeline. When Madeline supposes that Sugar is just a little tired, Hector tells her no, that she [Sugar] is just a little brat, and then brings the girls to the costume store, getting a costume for her to play Sugar Dimples' friend.

However, it turns out Madeline had gotten the wrong script and would be playing Sugar's French maid instead. On the set, Sugar unintentionally walks onto an end table and makes a vase fall off, and then blames Madeline for making her do it. Hector decides to replace the vase and shoot the scene again, but Sugar has Madeline fired.

Much later, after the girls have to leave, unfortunately, Hector's car engine breaks down, so they stay even longer for Sugar to apologize.
