Madeline Wiki
"One little lie leads to another"
―The Phantoms sing the song One Little Lie Leads to Another

During the song One Little Lie Leads to Another, five phantoms pop out of the works of art as Madeline Fogg realizes her mistakes and that she lead the tourists to deep trouble. They only appear to sing that song along with an artist named Henri (not Madame LaCroque's minion, in an attempt to make Madeline feel better. These entities are classified as Neutral Good for alignment.

Physical Appearance[]

These entities wear Ancient Greek dresses/tunics for their attire. All five of them are barefoot.

The first one wears a simple dress and has Monique's figure. She pops out of a Greek statue, but does not appear for the song.

The second one resembles Chloe and comes out of a statue adjacent to the first. She has a dress that reaches the floor. Strangely, the song does not feature this spirit or the first.

The third one wears a cyan tunic and resembles Lulu. Unlike her first two compatriots, this phantom pops from a painting. She seems to be based on The Birth of Venus.

The fourth one mimics Danielle (judging by her skin tone and hair) and has the same attire as the first. She also carries a harp but pops out from nowhere. She is also the one to start the song. This one may possibly be the group's leader.

The fifth one mimics Nicole and has the same attire as the one mimicking Chloe.


  • These spirits are credited as their respective mimed Convent Girls.